Sustainability is an integral part of the design process for us. We have long recognised the need for buildings to benefit their local environment and minimise energy use. Many of these systems will be passive in their nature needing little or no intervention from the building users. During the design process we will consider all potential benefits from natural ventilation and maximisation of use of natural light, to the selection of materials, their environmental impact and how they are manufactured and transported.
Sustainable Design
We always consider sustainable design on an individual case basis. Each site and building type will lend its own benefits, and have its own requirements. By possessing an in depth knowledge of the principles and systems available, we are able to integrate systems which are best suited to the buildings needs. There are times when we will need more specialist input, and in these cases we have a trusted and knowledgeable resource of consultants and specialist suppliers.

We are members of the Green Register of Construction Professionals.